The people we serve come first in performing our duties. We will ensure equity and freedom from discrimination and harassment in the workplace and in the services provided by our department. We will work in partnership with the people we serve and with other stakeholders. We will use the resources entrusted to us, to deliver on the Government’s priorities in the most efficient, effective and innovative ways. We will be transparent and accountable for our decisions, actions and performance. We will share our knowledge and expertise with other departments and broader welfare sector and learn from them. In performing our duties; we will uphold the Constitution of the republic of South Africa, the laws governing the public service and the Code of Conduct for the Public Service.
Department Of Social Development
Childcare Counseling Clothing Education Emergency Health Substance Abuse Legal Assistance Housing Maintenance Meals
134 Pretorius Street Pretoria Gauteng South Africa 0001
012 312 7194012 312 7194